According to the Law on Higher Education, Article 27
The Conference of Universities shall:
1) address matters of common interest for the enhancement of educational-scientific, i.e. educational-artistic activities at universities;
2) harmonies views and coordinate activities among universities, especially with regard to admission policies;
3) offer opinion on standards for quality evaluation concerning educational, scientific-research, artistic and professional work;
4) propose candidates for the members of the National Council and the Management Board of the National Accreditation Body;
5) recommend a list of professional, academic, scientific, i.e. artistic titles in appropriate fields and abbreviations and description of qualifications thereof;
6) recommend measures designed to improve the financial situation of universities and student living standards;
7) address other matters of common interest to universities, in accordance with this law.
According to the Law on Higher Education, Article 10
The Conference of Universities, the Conference of Academies and Higher Education Institutions, the ministry in charge of higher education affairs, i.e. the Serbian Chamber of Commerce shall announce a public call for the application of candidates for membership of the National Council within six months at the latest prior to the expiry of the term of office of the members of the National Council.
The Conference of Universities, i.e. the Conference of Academies and Higher Education Schools, shall submit to the Government a proposal of a maximum of 18, i.e. three candidates within 30 days from the date of expiry of the deadline for the submission of comments and suggestions referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article, taking into account the number of students and the number of teachers and associates in accordance with Article 26, paragraph 5 of this Law. The ministry in charge of higher education affairs, i.e. the Serbian Chamber of Commerce shall forward to the Government a proposal comprising a maximum of eight, i.e. three candidates within a period of 30 days from the date of expiry of deadline for the submission of comments and suggestions referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article.
According to the Law on Higher Education, Article 16
One of the members of the Management Board shall be proposed by the Conference of Universities from the line of the full professors of the university, one member shall be proposed by the Conference of Academies and Higher Education Schools from among professors of applied studies, two members shall be proposed by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and three members shall be appointed at the proposal of the Ministry.
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